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  • Writer's pictureCarmen Ortiz

Puff Puff

Puffing on #cigarettes can damage the largest organ in your body: your skin

Here's how

Smoking deprives your skin of valuable oxygen and nutrients that can lead to wrinkles. Smoking tobacco has been proven to induce oxidative stress which leads to a cascade of detrimental effects on inflammatory cell function.

Collagen production which gives the skin its firmness, has been shown to be significantly reduced. #Smoking has also shown to cause a release of proteolytic enzymes which degrades the skin's connective tissue and slows the rate of cell turnover. This ACCELERATES the skin's natural aging process. #Wrinkles are formed because smoking reduces and damages the levels of collagen. #Collagen is a structural protein that keeps skin strong and elastic. This is literally shrinking the framework of your face, which causes your skin to be #saggy because it's lost the volume to fill it out.


Grey or sallow complexion is a dead giveaway of someone who smokes. This is because inhaling tobacco smoke reduces blood flow to cells, depriving them of oxygen and essential nutrients.


Smoking reduces the moisture levels in your skin. It is believed that the chemicals in cigarettes destroy hyaluronic acid (a substance that helps our skin hang on to moisture). When the skin is dry and dehydrated, it will look more aged, texture and lines will look more pronounced.


There are more than 4000 chemicals in tobacco smoke that trigger the destruction of collagen and elastin!! The consequences of losing collagen and elastin are sagging skin and deeper wrinkles.


It takes about 12 weeks after quitting to start reversing some of the damage. As your blood flow improves, your skin will receive more oxygen and nutrients, revealing brighter and healthier complexion will be revealed.


Once you've made the best decision to quit smoking, we can begin transforming your skin to give you back that youthful glow.

Schedule your consultation to get started on your skin transformation bootcamp. I will advise you on proper nutrients for your skin and body, as well as customized treatment plan to reverse the damage and induce collagen production.

Healthy body - healthy skin. 303-819-2889


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