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  • Writer's pictureCarmen Ortiz

Can dairy really break me out??


I had an obsession with cheese. I was using dairy milk in my protein smoothies daily. I thought was eating a pretty decent diet. I was experiencing cystic breakouts on my neck and chin that took weeks to go away. I'd always heard that #dairy was connected to acne, but I just didn't fully understand how.

BUT, WHY THOUGH?? #Cysticacne is an inflammatory condition, so if we put something in our body that causes

inflammation, we could trigger a nice, big zit.

  • "When you consume milk-based products, our bodies breakdown the proteins found in milk and release growth hormone, IGF-1 into our bloodstream. This growth hormone, IGF-1 has been linked to acne, because it works directly with testosterone. Increased levels of testosterone increase the amount of sebum (oil) in your pores, leading to clogged pores. Teens already have increased IGF-1 during this rapid growth phase in their life, so adding even more IGF-1 to your body from milk products can trigger acne." (Austin Skin+, 2019)

Synthetic Hormones in my milk??? 😲

There are added #hormones in milk can wreck our hormones.

This has been proven through extensive research that adding hormones that are not recognized by the human body will have a negative impact. Your skin is a reflection of what's going on inside the body.


The sugar in dairy, lactose, can also trigger acne. When lactose is broken down in the body, sugar is released into the bloodstream. The increase in sugar throughout the body leads to #inflammation, which could also cause acne. Sadly, not only is the lactose causing an increase in sugar, but many milk-based products such as ice cream and yogurt have added sugar. So, you could be getting even more #sugar than you thought.



It's soo simple, yet so hard!

The best, most obvious and least expensive thing is to start eliminating dairy-based foods from your diet and really be mindful about what you put into your body. Your skin is a looking glass into what it's going on inside you. You really have to decide if what you're putting in your body (immediate gratification) is worth the way you feel when your skin is inflamed, broken out and sensitive. I seriously have this talk with myself whenever I want something to eat that is going to break me out. Just last week, I wanted pizza so badly after not having it in over a year. Three days later, I had huge cystic breakouts on my neck and chin. So, was it worth a few minutes of a cheesy pizza to deal with painful boulders sitting on my face?... No, it was not worth it.

I recommend you eliminate dairy and sugar for 30 days and watch your skin improve. I highly recommend following the protocol for "#Whole30 ". You can also read up on #guthealth and acne for more information.

At minimum:

  • DRINK MORE WATER - CUT OUT DAIRY & SUGAR! Replace with the building blocks your body is craving.

If following this does not lead to any improvement in your skin, I recommend you see a functional nutritionist who can help you find the root cause. I just met with a functional nutritionist today. Together we reviewed my labs and she advised where I need to tweak my diet.

I highly recommend Miranda Meyer with to help you navigate your way to a healthier you.

If you're struggling with acne, schedule an appointment where I can analyze your skin and offer a treatment plan to heal your skin. 303-819-2889

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